We are lucky enough to get to meet a lot of amazing people through the work we do, and I wanted to take some of the inspiring conversations we have offline, into a space where others could listen in and join the conversation. So we started a podcast!
We LOVE business, but there's no doubting there are some challenging times. I'm always driven to share - the knowledge, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. I think that sharing goes such a long way to helping both ourselves and others. I started the podcast for myself as much as I started it for others - the benefits really are two fold. Here are my goals with the podcast:
Learning & Growth - It's so important that we're all continuously learning and growing our knowledge, mindset and skills to make sure we're up with the play, are delivering our best to our clients, and are also making a decent living! The collective knowledge that these business owners and experts hold is seriously impressive, and having the opportunity to chat with and learn from everyones personal and practical experiences is pretty special. Whether it's a huge 'aaaah-haaaa' moment, a simple shift in thinking, or a question that sparks inquiry, each episode is a chance to learn & grow our minds and businesses.
Connection & community - Everyone who appears on the podcast, is a genuinely great human who's following their passion and doing their thing. I think we could all benefit from being surrounded by a community of these kinds of people, and in some ways I feel like my role with the podcast is really to connect and introduce a bunch of the great people we know and work with. We all know the flow on effect of being surrounded by powerful, inspiring people, who are walking their talk - it's a game-changer.
Inspiration - In business, many of us find ourselves 'doing the work' full time, after all that's what earns us money right. From a lot of the conversations I've had, when you're slogging away and working hard, it's easy to lose that creative spark. A couple of problems here - 1) that's not only not a fun place to be, and 2) losing that creative spark is also detrimental to the long term results of your work. I personally find inspiration in creative conversations, so the podcast is a simple and easy way to really shift up that energy, and find that creativity again.
I hope our listeners find inspiration in the content our guests talk about, their journey, or simply their outlook and mindset on life - I certainly do!
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